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» Listings for 2023

  1. When I add the final releases up on screen, there some how just doesnt look enough compared to the hours it takes to produce them...

    Well, here we are, 2 Vote projects done Yom Kippur and Panzer Lehr phase 3? 4? I loose track. The Yom08 Command set is now up as with the entire range, there are two variants of each figure.

    The LHR sets 08 to 15 are all up in particular LHR15 which I'm proud of. Alot of these figures are scans by Tamas (thanks man) of some of my oldest sculpting, which though charming in its own way, I can do better now, which I then used as templates for ultra updates. Some I deemed too terrible and started from scratch.

    A few sets for the M36 WW2 Heer German Army 1939-1942. The range is growing slowly.

    Panzershrek small arm is now available.

    One of the benefits of 3d design work is I can adjust all the above WW2 germans to make pretty much any WW2 german, so I am building a digital catalog of poses and dollies. I hope in the near future to just get entire WW2 ranges done in a week or two rather than months/years. There are still key subjects to model, such as gunners for HE and AP, medics, flamethrowers, Mortars etc...

    There is also a single new BWG08 of a British female in 80's UK gear for the T2K gamers out there and a AT4 Modern French figure based off a photo.

    £D stls will be uploaded soon. They can take 48hours to be approved.

  2. YOM3 4 6 7 now available : Skirmish sets and tank crews. Command set coming next week.

    P53 the missing Fishman, I think I'll call him Douglas. Somehow Douglas escaped the box of masters and escaped for a couple of weeks in the driveway gravel. However, a rogue bird was seen pecking at him and he was rescued. He is now available for all!

    The YOMs will be uplaoaded next week with the command set to Myminifactory.

    Already uploaded RUS13 Modern Russian command set that has been kindly scanned by the GREAT 

    Tamás Lehoczky

    Tamas is canning many of our old sculpts and I'm repairing or improving the figures and then making them available as STL files on MMF.

    He has just scanned a few of the PLA and is now scanning the old PanzerLehr range. The PL I will most likely do a full rework on them to bring them up to standard.

    BIG thanks to Tamas, you are THE MAN!

    NEXT UP:
    VOTE Projects in order:
    10- Panzer Lehr expansion
    11- Planet of the Simians
    12 - SRR
    13 - Modern Russian Support weapons
    Commission Projects which are done as and when and to be confirmed.:
    Cold War US Exansion
    V2A road warrior project
    French expansion (goto check)
    Dutch Knil (alot already done)
    Projects people request alot:
    More Ukraine
    Personal projects:
    Olde worlde Battle star range
    Project scan. Old figures scanned and made 3d
  3. Added a few Soviet era vehicles to

    Also add the HESCO fort at a cheaper rate (I don't get the huge fees on my Mini Factory so can sell cheaper)

    If there is anything you want added to the print shop let me know.

    The IDF 1973 continue to get made, slow progress due to many ongoing issues.

    Back in January I ran a POLL on our Facebook page asking you to vote on a vehicle to be made. The Pandur 6x6 won with the VAB 4x4 second. I have now managed to make the Pandur, the VAB should be made soon. I also note the T80 tank has also gained votes and is technically the winner, so I'll give that a go as well.

    The Pandur will be up on the website and Myminifactory soon.